チェコのGolden Fishという慈善事業団体が、5歳から18歳の重病患者を対象に、「彼らの夢を叶える」ということをしているのだそう。
Recently, we had the privilege of helping fulfill a dream.
It was a 17-year-old boy from the Czech Republic in Europe, along with his wonderful mother and a tour producer. They came to us as part of a charitable organization called ‘Golden Fish’ from the Czech Republic. This organization is dedicated to granting the dreams of critically ill children between the ages of 5 and 18.

How incredible is that!
And the best part is, it’s all funded by donations.
They traveled nearly halfway around the world by plane, enjoying Tokyo for about a week. From Shibuya Crossing to Meiji Shrine, Harajuku, Skytree, and even trying Japan’s unique McDonald’s menu items.

And on the last day of this journey, his wish was to:
‘Go see cool cars gathering at Daikoku Pier.’
We went to pick them up at the ‘Henna Hotel’ in Asakusa

On that slightly overcast weekday evening, we were concerned because it didn’t seem like a time when many cars would gather. However, during their nearly two-hour stay, we circled the parking lot several times, and they were able to see quite a few impressive cars. It was heartwarming to see him so content, and both his mother and the producer were delighted.
In between, they enjoyed a delicious meal of ramen and katsu curry at a restaurant, which they had been wanting to try.
As the night fell on the way back, they also had a great time admiring the illuminations along the bay on the Rainbow Bridge, enjoying the view from inside the car.

What is your dream?
Is there something you’d like to do or try right now?